Tuesday 4 February 2014

Numerous Health Benefits of Silk Pillowcases

Sleeping on coarse fibres of conventional cotton, linen or polyester pillowcases can result in facial creases, which in long term may add to the formation of lines and wrinkles. Such fabrics can also wick away dampness and moisture from the skin. In today’s world with widespread pollution, people experience various skin problems, which consist of early aging of their skin etc. For centuries, silk has been famous for its natural softness, beautiful lustre and numerous advantages to health.
A silk pillowcase is made from the finest mulberry silk makes it beautiful, soft and yet strong. As a natural material, our bodies react well to silk pillowcases that have the amazing ability to help our skin reabsorb moisture through the naturally occurring amino acids, aiding to keep hair shiny and produce a smoother and more line less looking complexion.
Scientifically it has been proved that silk pillowcases are the way to go if one is concerned about frizzy hair, zits, and wrinkles. Hair-wise, silk pillows prevent frequent movement of hair as you sleep, and reduces any 'lion's mane' look in the morning.
Dermatologists consider that silk contains essential amino acids used in many of today's moisturizers, which is essential for proper skincare. These are hypoallergenic and do not draw moisture from the skin, retaining its natural glow. This helps to prevent wrinkles and lines on faces in the same manner as it keeps your hair untangled.
Silk does not collect dust mites and house mites like other pillow surfaces. The protein scrim keeps away mites and fungi, creating a cleaner sleeping surface for patients of asthma and numerous allergies. Pure silk is naturally mildew defiant and is very durable. Thus, we see that the health benefits of these pillowcases are immense if compared to its relatively high price than pillowcases of other fibres.

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